"Let's here from the people whose opinions don't matter at all," I suggested. "Henchman. Who would you hire?"
"Gyrobo, of course," the non-descript baddie answered.
"Ciera?" I asked.
"Gyrobo!" she happily cheered the mechanical maniac's name.
"How about Koma, perhaps the most controversial Australian contestant ever on The Company Apprentice?" I asked. "What's he got to say?"
In that odd accent of his, he replied, "I'm going with Gyrobo."
"Even though he had your former team capture and interrogate you?"
"Because of it!" he announced proudly. I always suspected he was a masochist.
"Wolverine?" I continued.
"Xavier," he said, then growled, "Hold on there. Out of my head, Chuck. Hire Gyrobo."
"Well, all four of your teammates think I should hire you. What do you think about that?"
"Hmm..." Gyrobo contemplated, "I'm flattered and legally blind in some states."
"I see," I said, moving quickly to Charles. "Now, let's see what your team thinks, Professor. Mr. Muggles, who should I hire?"
I looked over at the loser bench, but didn't see my wife's Pomeranian. "Mr. Muggles? What happened to Mr. Muggles?"
A stagehand came and whispered about the dog's agent requesting a cash incentive for his appearance on the finale. I remembered how this show has no budget, and moved on. "Bernard? Who would you hire if you were me?"
No response.
"Well, come on, then. Answer," I insisted.
Still, there was no response.
"Umm, who is Bernard?" Charles asked. "I'm sure he'd say you should hire me, but I just don't know who you're talking about."
"Bernard," I repeated the name. "You know, the doofus boy that I fired in the first week."
"Oh, me?" Bernard asked.
"Yeah, who should I hire?"
"Uh, it's Lyle," Bernard replied.
"Lyle isn't one of the options," I explained. "Either Charles or Gyrobo. Who should I hire?"
"This is too hard," Bernard cried. "I don't want to be special anymore. Can I please just go home? The camera lights are giving me a sunburn." The scrawny loser darted out of the studio, shielding himself from the glaring studio lights with his hand.
"Jon?" I said looking over at our trusted intergalactic gladiator. "What say you?"
He hiccuped and passed out.
"Great," Nepharia rolled her eyes and pried an empty bottle from his hand, "more Irish whiskey. I'm sure when he's sober again, he'll go with Xavier. And I'm going with Xavier, too. You should obviously hire him."
"One out of four ain't bad," I nodded at the professor.
"Not bad at all," he replied.
"This is it," I announced. "It's time for me to make the decision. Professor, you lost the very first task as project manager. Nepharia was the only one that thinks I should hire you, and with her being a Sith, I have to assume it's all part of the Emperor's grand scheme. That makes me think you're a pawn. Gyrobo, though, he's not a pawn. He's a Queen. He can move anywhere on the board, and he does, usually to places he has no business going. While you've been a tough competitor, Gyrobo has continually shined on every challenge. Nobody else has come close."
"So, you're saying," Xavier rubbed his chin as he spoke, "that it's a tie?"
"What I'm saying," I explained to the contestants and the audience, "is that this competition is over. We have our Company Apprentice."
The audience leaned forward in their chairs awaiting the announcement.
"Professor X," I said.
"Yes?" he waited.
"Don't pick him!" Gyrobo warned. "I was manufactured to do this job."
"Charles..." I continued. "You're...fired. Gyrobo, you're hired!"